Coralie Tilleux
Droit fiscal Droit des sociétés et des associations Fusions et acquisitions
French English Italian Dutch (basic)
Coralie has a law degree from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL 2001). She also obtained a diploma of specialised studies in tax law (D.E.S.) from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB 2002).
Admitted to the Brussels Bar in October 2002, Coralie worked for over fifteen years in a Belgian business law firm, before becoming one of the founding partners of redsky legal in 2018. Since her first steps as a lawyer, Coralie has practised corporate law as well as direct and indirect taxation.
Throughout her career, Coralie has advised Belgian and international clients, generally from the business world. Creative and attentive, but also rigorous and precise, Coralie looks for the solutions best suited to her clients' needs, while complying with legal requirements. The client's interests are at the heart of her concerns.
In the course of her practice, Coralie has developed a keen interest in corporate taxation, international tax issues (international corporate taxation, taxation of foreign directors) and tax issues relating to real estate.
An avid yoga practitioner with a passion for dance and live performance, Coralie regularly visits theatres and opera houses to discover new artistic creations. Coralie loves Italy, where she never tires of travelling in the company of friends and family.
In addition, she provides day-to-day support for companies and regularly assists clients with mergers and acquisitions (domestic and cross-border) and restructuring operations, incorporating corporate law aspects (company documentation, shareholders' agreements, etc.) and tax issues and consequences.
Coralie has also been involved in setting up stock option plans and cash-pooling schemes.
Her services include advice, negotiation and, in tax matters, management of administrative and legal disputes.
Publications de Coralie Tilleux
- Avec Michel J Bolle “Comment transmettre un patrimoine immobilier situé à l’étranger? Le cas particulier de la France », Conférence IFE du 20 novembre 2002
- Avec Michel J Bolle et Jean-Jacques Lizambard, « Dossier immobilier en France – Rêves et réalités », Cash ! du 23 octobre 2003, pp 15-18
- Avec Michel J Bolle, « La société civile immobilière ? Une société de droit français intéressante dans une optique de gestion du patrimoine immobilier en France – Douce France… », Cash ! du 15 avril 2004, pp 43-46