Thomas Sion
Droit des sociétés Droit immobilier et de la construction
French English Dutch
Thomas obtained his master's degree in law with great distinction from the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) in 2013, after completing his bachelor's degree in law at Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, in a bilingual French-English programme, in 2011. He also studied for a semester at the University of Sheffield in the UK as part of an Erasmus exchange.
Thomas has been a member of the Brussels Bar since 2013.
After completing his traineeship with international and Belgian law firms, Thomas joined ebl redsky in 2019 where he specialises in corporate law. He assists and advises the firm's clients on all aspects of company law, including mergers and takeovers of companies or assets, corporate restructuring and corporate governance, both in a national and cross-border context and in various sectors.
His areas of expertise also include real estate and construction law, where he advises clients on a wide range of real estate matters, including acquisitions, lease agreements, construction issues, property development, etc.
A sportsman to the core, Thomas doesn't hesitate to don his shorts whenever he can. If the weather is bad, you'll find him at home, immersed in his historical books.
Thomas also regularly appears before courts and tribunals to deal with civil and commercial disputes in general and company law in particular.
Available and pragmatic, he understands that business requires a high level of responsiveness and that it is often difficult to cope with the length of legal proceedings and the resulting prolonged uncertainty. He therefore favours, wherever possible, an approach that is resolutely focused, upstream, on preventing disputes and, downstream, on finding amicable solutions that satisfy all the parties involved.
Publications de Thomas Sion
- T. Sion, « Réflexions sur le thème des classes de titres », R.P.S./T.R.V., 2021/5, pp. 547-558
- A. Hanoteau et T. Sion, « Chapter 8 : Belgium », The Mergers & Acquisitions Review, 14ème éd., The Law Reviews, Royaume-Uni, 2020, pp. 65-75
- G. Rulkin et T. Sion « Droits d’enregistrement sur les jugements et arrêts : lorsqu’une condamnation en cache une autre », J.T., 2020, pp. 587-594
- A. Hanoteau et T. Sion, « La qualité du défendeur à l’action en désignation d’un administrateur provisoire », note sous Entr. Bruxelles (réf.), 31 janvier 2019, R.P.S./T.R.V., 2019/4, pp. 415-420
- T. Sion, « Les droits privés d’occupation confrontés au domaine public », Ann. Dr., 2017/1, pp. 89-128
- T. Sion, « Plaidoyer pour un langage contractuel clair : un approche bénéfique pour tous », Cah. Jur., 2017/3-4, pp. 55-61
- D. De Vliegher et T. Sion, « Les implantations commerciales en Région wallonne », 12 février 2015, consultable sur lexology.com
- Diverses recensions bibliographiques pour les Annales de Droit de Louvain, revue trimestrielle de la Faculté de Droit et de Criminologie de l’Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)